wij Staan
Una Collective is een mensgericht, data-gedreven consultany. We stellen bedrijven in staat om meer diverse en inclusieve teams te bouwen.
Als medewerkers stimuleren we elkaar om te groeien en te innoveren. Als bedrijf steken we de handen uit de mouwen om de status quo uit te dagen.
Onze oplossing is op maat gemaakt en flexibel, en kan worden aangepast aan de behoeften van elk bedrijf. Zelfs die van jou.
This Privacy Statement applies to the processing by Una Collective of all personal data of its customers, suppliers and business partners, and other individuals. This Privacy Statement does not address the processing of personal data of employees in the context of their employment relationship with Una Collective.
For the assessment of the current Company Culture, DE&I (diversity, equity & inclusivity) related policies and leadership at the Company.
Una Collective and/or its group companies are the controllers of the processing of all personal data that fall within the scope of this Privacy Statement. This Privacy Statement indicates what personal data are processed by Una Collective and for what purpose, and to which persons or entities the data will or may be provided.
Personal Data Collected:
Email address, directly from the Client for the purpose of sending out the survey.
Within the Typeform Platform a section titled “A Little About You” asks optional questions to help Una Collective understand how a survey recipient identifies in the workplace. Specifically, we ask which social groups employee identifies as “belonging to.” Possible data points collected includes: Organisation, gender, age, language proficiency, non-specific ethnic identification with a minority group, non-specific racial identification with a minority group, non-specific religious identification with minority group, non-specific identification with the LGBTQIA+ community, non-specific identification as a person with physical disability, non-specific identification as a person with neurodiversity.
All data is shared on a voluntary basis and survey participants can decline to answer.
Una Collective guarantees the anonymity of the participants in the survey. Every researcher from the Una Collective office is contractually bound to very strict ethical standards.
Email data:The technology of Mailchimp allows us to send personal invitations.The e-mail addresses shared to UnaCollective by the client, are only uploaded into Mailchimp in order to send a live survey link to the email address recipient. The email address is not collected or passed through to the survey platform, Typeform.
Typeform data: Once a Typeform user submits the survey event, the data is sent as an anonymised set of data, there is no relationship between the person and his/her submission. The data lines are then aggregated upon analysis. The only identifiable data links are the optional submissions of social categories an employee identifies with.Through these links, effective improvement actions can be selected based on the aggregated data from the survey.
Data Analysis: Data sheets, a matrix of all the survey questions and the aggregated scores of the organisation and the scores per demographic characteristic are provided. All observations less than 5 are not shown in the matrix; instead a '-' is shown. The data of different characteristics are never crossed. The scores are assessed per characteristic. No dossier creation can take place based on a survey by Una Collective. We will never reveal personal details to clients, nor information about who did or did not take part (we don't even know).
Una Collective processes data, as described here within this document, only if and to the extent that the following applies: employee has given consent to the processing of personal data for the purpose of the Culture Pulse or the Leadership Pulse
Una Collective will retain personal identifiable data, as described here within this document, until the end of the Assessment procedure, and will delete it no later than 14 days after evaluation with the Client.
Una Collective has taken adequate safeguards to ensure the confidentiality and security of data. Una Collective has implemented technical, physical, and organisational measures to protect personal data, as described her within this document, against accidental or unlawful destruction or accidental loss, damage, alteration, unauthorised disclosure or access as well as all other forms of unlawful processing (including, but not limited to, unnecessary collection) or further processing. Examples are policies, staff training, and security checks.
Una Collective acknowledges that an employee has the right to access personal data. Upon request, Una Collective will provide survey recipients with information about whether we hold any personal data. Survey recipients may access, correct, or request deletion of personal data by contacting us at info@unacollective.com. We will respond to such requests within a reasonable timeframe per applicable law. Users can retain and reuse their personal data for their own purpose.
Una Collective acknowledges the right to correct or delete personal data. Email us at info@unacollective.com.
​Una Collective acknowledges the right to restrict the processing of personal data. Survey recipients may decline to share personal data within the survey at all times.